The Soul Expression Accelerator group coaching program is your compass and toolkit, harmonizing your professional ambition with personal fulfillment. It’s your guide to lasting happiness, self-trust & confidence. Soar high with your feet firmly on the ground 🌟

Ready to Embrace Your New Normal: Feeling Energized & Infectiously Happy?

Constantly giving up your personal time for work, just to live for the weekend isn’t your style. You want to wake up every day with excitement, full of energy & enthusiasm for the workday ahead, leading your career & life with passion, purpose & unwavering self-belief.

With the Soul Expression Accelerator, you’ll build exactly that. Benefit from proven tools and time-tested, personalized strategies, drawing on over 5 years of experience as a Business Consultant & Women Empowerment Coach. I’ve worked with ambitious women like you from across the globe & all types of careers, guiding them to lead their career with more inner peace, ease + joy.

Instead of Internal Pressure & Mental Load

Imagine starting each work day with a clear mind and a light heart, navigating life unburdened by those heavy expectations. It's about moving with grace and focus, where inner peace isn't just a goal—it's your starting point.

Instead of 24/7 Hustle & Burnout

Embrace a lifestyle that energizes your soul. Work with intention, enjoy meaningful progress, allowing for rejuvenation & creativity. It’s about thriving without compromising your well-being.

Instead of Constant Self-Doubt & Wondering How

Step into the light of self-assurance, where your inner strength shines like a beacon, guiding you to confidently pursue your dreams. It’s about standing in your worth as you illuminate every (meeting) room with your presence.

“I’ve learned how to prioritize my emotional expenditures & my mood has uplifted noticeably”

I sought out Canel's help because of my often overwhelming sense of perfectionism that caused me a lot of stress, more time on work things, which directly negatively impacted my work life balance. Canel gave me tools to mentally rewire that way of thinking (…). I didn't think that was a thing that could happen. I felt like that was a thing that would take years of time to actually achieve. And here we are three months later, and I am an incredibly happier person. (…) If anyone were to ask me if they should spend the time, money, or whatever factor it is that is making you feel hesitant to engage in this process, I would 100% say to just do it. The benefits are unbelievable. Canel is a lifesaver.

- Crystal, Teacher & Entrepreneur

If you desire to…

1️⃣ Excel in your career and simultaneously enjoy life to the fullest

2️⃣ Feel relaxed and mentally free after work, without the internal pressure, perfectionism or overthinking interactions

3️⃣ Handle unexpected work challenges with grace & intention, without reacting impulsively and getting upset over things outside your control

4️⃣ Feel secure and an unshakable confidence in who you are, voice your true opinions & genuinely feel proud of your achievements

5️⃣ Set & keep your work boundaries to have more personal time & energy

6️⃣ Overcome self-doubt, cultivate presence and patience in your responses & reactions, even in challenging situations

7️⃣ Fully embrace your worth, exude self-trust and inner peace that’s magnetic to the people around you

Then, Soul Expression Accelerator was made for you.

Picture this

Your Monday morning begins full of energy — a sustained, grounded enthusiasm that carries you through your week.

After your morning ritual, you savor a homemade coffee, feeling excited about the week ahead because you’ve created harmony in your career & life that lights up your soul. Gone is the overthinking; your career flows, driven by deep self-trust, and those around you take notice.

You just nailed this big presentation because you embody a self-assurance that doesn’t scream but quietly asserts your competence and confidence.

And at the week's end, you’re looking back on a full week of accomplishments feeling proud while still being excited about the weekend to come. It's about the soulful expression in everything you do. You're not just working anymore; you're crafting the story of a woman empowered, authentic & on fire. That’s the transformation we’ll achieve in the Soul Expression Accelerator.

Inner peace & confidence are skills that can be learned and regained.

I've been where you are: working late nights, weekends, often overshadowing my accomplishments, feeling the need to do more because it never seemed good enough.

But since I redesigned my life, created a sancutary for my soul, I feel more empowered, accomplish more in less time and live with more peace, confidence, and joy. Now, I value serenity over stress, progress over perfection.

You can make this transformation too and I show you how.

“My journey with SEA was not only a process of self-development but also a voyage of discovery of my inner strengths”

Before starting, I felt challenged by organizational changes at work, sometimes had difficulty behaving from an objective perspective, and tended being impulsive from time to time (…). The biggest change I have experienced is the ability to cope with challenges without being impulsive (…). The realization that self-reflection benefits not only others but also my own growth was enormously valuable to me. (…) The added value of a professional coach lies not only in accelerating the learning process but also in the opportunity to gain insights you might never have achieved on your own. My recommendation is clear: Embrace this valuable experience. (…) I can only express my heartfelt gratitude—for an enrichment that has sustainably changed my life.

- Joyce, Sr. Social Media Manager

You're extraordinary, and it's time you recognize & own it

Dive deep with the Soul Expression Accelerator
— a group coaching journey designed for ambitious women just like you

Your Transformation with the Soul Expression Accelerator

Career Success, Inner Peace & Joy Can Co-Exist.

You will learn how to…

Achieve Work-Life Harmony: Elevate your self-leadership skills & seamlessly balance professional ambition with personal fulfillment.

Master Emotional Resilience: Regulate your nervous system & elevate your ability to manage emotions, making more peace & joy at work your new normal.

Silence the Doubts: Conquer negative self-talk and perfectionism, alchemizing self-doubt into a cornerstone of your self-trust.

Boost Your Self-confidence: Amplify your self-love, heighten your sense of worth, and radiate confidence that’s felt in every (meeting) room.

Recalibrate Your Boundaries: Set them in a kind and assertive manner & keep your boundaries to enjoy evenings work-free.

Step Into Your True Power: Recognize your inner greatness, surge with renewed energy & claim your rightful stage in both work & life.

Hi beautiful soul, I’m Canel

Traumatic Stress Specialist, Women Empowerment Coach & Meditation Teacher

A few years ago…

I was at the top of my Business Consulting career - celebrated and in demand. Yet beneath it all, I battled perfectionism and self-doubt. Every evening, work-related stress would spill into my personal life, and I would vent to my partner about it. My achievements felt distant, almost unrecognizable.

Then came my breaking point.

I realized I had been making things harder for myself. True success wasn’t just about recognition on paper; it was about genuine accomplishment and inner peace.

Fast forward to a defining day in Copenhagen: my boss remarked, "Canel, you've changed. There's a newfound peace & confidence in you. Keep doing whatever you're doing."


I see a resilient warrior when I glance in the mirror. A woman who not only conquered her professional world but also her own thoughts & emotions.

Now, I’m on a mission to empower ambitious women like you striving for a balance between professional accomplishments and personal contentment with humor, wisdom, and authenticity.

It's not just about career growth—it's about recognizing our value beyond titles and metrics. I'm driven to humanize workplaces, viewing employees as the heart and soul of an organization. True leadership starts with self-leadership.

You are part of this mission because the change begins with YOU.

Let's redefine what success truly means!

Trailblazing together: What other driven women say…

If you now want to learn how to…

  1. Let go of the stress and lead your career from a place of inner peace

2. Love yourself wholly and celebrate your life joyfully

3. Step truly into your power and live on your own terms

Then, apply for the next round of the Soul Expression Accelerator.